Are you looking for beautiful fall mums that will last? Do you want a family-friendly experience? Come to Cline’s Nursery this weekend with your family and stop by to see our large selection of beautiful fall mums. In the Fall, Cline’s Nursery also offers a pumpkin patch in Shelby NC which is worth exploring on a day trip or a fall weekend adventure. Make sure you have a comfortable pair of shoes and your camera ready to take some perfect Instagram photos!  You can enjoy a variety of fun-filled events at our pumpkin patch in western NC. You may want to decorate your front porch with mums and pumpkins for Fall or surprise a friend with the perfect gift.

Learn How to Care for Fall Mums

Fall mums are increasingly popular. They seem to put everyone in spirit of Fall. Available in various shapes and colors, mums are the top choice for a showy flower that blooms bright for weeks. They are perfect as potted plants or a colorful addition to a garden bed. They are great additions to a cheerful and organic ambiance. Mums are everywhere during the fall season. They are relatively easy to maintain, not expensive, and there are many types, sizes, and colors to choose from.

However, these wonderful autumn plants can deteriorate in a few weeks if not looked after properly. Even though they are pretty easy to care for, reasonably affordable, and last all season. Here are the top tips to keep your mums blooming until winter sets in. 

Why are Fall Mums so Popular?

These gorgeous plants, sometimes called Hardy Mums, are great late-season bloomers known for their daisy-shaped petals. Mums are bred specifically for their brightly colored flowers and for the ideal flower displays. As a result, they are easy to care for with minimal maintenance required and don’t attract many pests like other plants. There is a wide range of Chrysanthemums with varying colors, sizes, and shapes, and they are an excellent addition to a home garden. They can be planted in the ground or in stylish containers, pots, or planters.  

When to Buy Fall Mums

Let’s discuss when is the best time to buy a potted mum. The first thing you’ll want to remember is that you shouldn’t buy mums too early. Every season brings weather changes, and it’s important to note that mums flourish best in 60 to 70-degree temperatures or less. So it’s best to wait until the right temperature in your area to purchase your lovely potted mums. The best time to buy mums is after the summer heat has passed. 

When the temperatures start to reliably and steadily drop—particularly when the night temperatures begin to sink—you know fall is here and it’s time for mums. In the South, mid-September is a good time to purchase your mums. However, if the summer stretches into September, you may want to wait until October. 

What Type of Hardy Mum Should You Buy?

There are about thirteen official classifications of mums with different sizes, colors, and shapes. Here are the top three most popular choices: 

  • Pompons – Also regarded as button mums, pompons typically display a fluffier bloom. Their flowers are smaller and more compact, with a wide range of colors to choose from.
  • Spoon – These mums display petals that resemble a spoon in a smaller variety that grows up to 4 inches in diameter. The yellow and gold colored pedals named “Kiwi” are a favorite, as well as the more red or maroon colored type known as “Matchsticks.” 
  • Anemone – These mums feature longer and flatter petals. Colors include the rose-pink known as “Samba”; the coral-red known as “Rhumba”; and the bright yellow variety known as “Harmony.”

Caring for a Potted Mum for Lasting Bloom

A healthy mum needs tender loving care to ensure popping buds during the fall season. First and foremost, make sure they have plenty of water. Of course, everyone knows that plants need water to thrive but just how much depends on the type of plant. To keep a mum thriving, you’ll need to ensure that the soil around them is moist. As soon as you’ve brought your mum home, you’ll want to check their moisture level. A simple touch can reveal whether they will need a drink right away. Next, place the potted mum over a saucer or flat plate that will hold any leaking water. 

Keep Fall Mums Healthy By Removing Deadheads

To keep a vibrant and colorful potted mum, you’ll want to check your blooms for any fading or brown-colored flowers. The gardening term is known as deadheading. Forgetting to remove any deadhead blooms or extra mulch will prevent the regrowth or rebloom of potted mums. Regular check the mums for dying leaves in and around the mums. 

Fall Mums Need Shade to Thrive

Be aware of temperature changes during the season. If temperatures start to climb above the 70s and the sun is shining bright, you may need to relocate your mum. While they do love the sun, too much direct sunlight can cause drying. About six to eight hours of direct sunlight is sufficient. You can opt to place them in a shadier area where they receive a balanced amount of sunlight for best protection and optimum health. 

Do Mums Come Back Next Season?

While Fall mums are a seasonal flower, many wonder if they will rebloom once the season returns the following year. It depends on when you plant them. If you plant them early enough in the season, chances improve for a beautiful return of these lovely plants. If you plant them too late in the fall season, they won’t have enough time to grow roots and build a secure foundation before winter. The best luck for a returning bloom will be if you plant mums with tight buds instead of a full bloom just before the fall season. Keep them watered to ensure the roots establish themselves in the ground. 


Following these tips can keep your mums blooming up to six weeks or more! Mums are such a beautiful, colorful and delightful flower, and are great as either an indoor or outdoor plant for fall display. The key takeaways are the right temperature, plenty of water, sufficient natural light, and well-draining soil. 

Don’t forget some additional pruning and checking for browning leaves to ensure your fall mums grow and stay healthy for many weeks to come. Your front door will stand out when mums are planted in mass out in the garden or out in containers. With tender loving care and following a few simple guidelines, you’ll be able to care for your fall mums all season long.


Looking for a particular plant, tree or shrub? If we don’t have the color, quantity or size you need, we’ll get it for you quickly! Save time by letting us be your go-to source! Fill out the form below and a member of our staff will be in touch with you, or call us at 704-487-9861.

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